Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Noteslate ... The E-PAPER

This is my first post and i want to talk about something really amazing something that in few years we will all use , im not gonna talk about the new powerful tablet computers because every site on the web is talking about them , post about them will come later, because there is something more unique , okay like the headline it is Noteslate the simplest tablet device . but also the most unique one in few words i can say it is the device (where the simplicity and technology evolution meets pencil and paper again)
as the their site says : ” The Internet, social networks, connecting everywhere are just beginning, part of the contemporary future. We don`t want to be overwhelmed with technology. The biggest simplicity is enough to express the basics, to explain the idea. Today all the devices are for us technologies, screens, gates, glossy shining objects… we think you will be covered with that anyway and use them. And fortunately you will have the NoteSlate. Maybe you would like to welcome something straight, less network connected, rural, almost natural, looking as a paper, physical, although very very useful. NoteSlate can be your own diary, notepad, writing memoir, for ideas, blurbs, hints, .. drafts,… your own world, you can believe on and you can create in. And you will love the wooden feeling of writing or drawing, as visible pixels come in. ”

This low cost gadget is very useful for everyone in a daily life. You can keep it anytime with you. Every day you need some notes, drafts, ideas, sketches, And this device makes this process as easy as possible and it will be in everyone s life in only few years.